Wednesday, February 3, 2010


This blog is a place for you to discuss your thesis or dissertation with other group members. These subgroups are suggested and not sponsored. You can choose your means of communication with people in these groups to discuss your progress, struggles, concerns, feedback, etc. Individuals may contact one another on their own, or not. Subgroups are optional. The Thesis and Dissertation Writing Group will be providing a meeting every two weeks.

These groups will function under their own fluidity. Feel free to switch groups, welcome new members to your groups and hold no grudges to those who want to move around. We will recommend new members to a subgroup as they contact us to join The Thesis and Dissertation Writing Group. These groups are designed for your benefit and you can choose to partake in them as much as you choose.

One option for communicating with other group members is responding on this blog and commenting with one another below. Please continue to check the main blog at for updates.